The name Caleb can be transliterated into Japanese both as キャレブ /kya re bu/ and ケイレブ /kei re bu/ depending on the pronunciation.
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス
To say blue fish in Japanese you say ブルーフィッシュ.
This is no word for a or the in Japanese.
KAH-lev (כלב)
how to say "editor" in japanese
To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
Caleb John Corbin is nothing but a beast. If you ever think otherwise, Chuck Norris will come and hunt you down. End of story.
フライドポテト is how you say it in japanese'
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス
Terekineshisu is the word for telekinesis in the Japanese language.
To say blue fish in Japanese you say ブルーフィッシュ.
This is no word for a or the in Japanese.
you say it in japanese....... wow ur stupid