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Anubis is the Greek version of the god's name - in ancient Egyptian the word was written 'inpw (the 'i is a consonant) and we can only guess at the missing vowels.

The first character is a reed, the second a horizontal zig-zag line, the third a small rectangle and the final character a chick. The determinative at the end is a dog-like animal lying on a tomb.

One of the titles of Anubis is nb t3 djsr, lord of the sacred land.

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No one knows how you might have said Anubis in ancinet Egyptian. The modern language of Egypt comes from the Arabs who were unrelated to the native ancient Egyptians.

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Egyptian myth does not say. It is barely agreed as to his parentage.

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Anubis is that egyptian god, so it's a name. It'd just be Anubis. And if your talking about that tv show... House of Anubis, then it's still Anubis.

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It depends on what language; Anubis is the Greek for Anpu or in Egyptian vocalized as Anapa.

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Anubis is the Egyptian god of funerals and embalming.

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Anubis in Egyptian myth, did not die.

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The Egyptian god Anubis was the god of embalming.

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Anubis is the Egyptian god of death.

What are Anubis?

Anubis is the Egyptian god of funerals. He serves Osiris.

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Anubis the great ancient Egyptian did not die

Where was Anubis located?

Egypt, as Anubis was a Egyptian deity.