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Aliyah Girafe

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Q: How do you say Aliyah's Giraffe in French?
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Related questions

How do you say fabulous giraffe in french?

girafe fabuleuse

What is giraffe in French?

the French word for giraffe is "girafe" with a single 'f'

How do you spell the griaffe in french?

Giraffe in French is spelled "girafe".

How do you say giraffe in Samoan?

"Giraffe" in Samoan is "ta'ititi."

What is 'giraffe' when translated from English to French?

Girafe is the French equivalent of the English word "giraffe." The feminine singular noun may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the") or indefinite une ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "zhee-rahf" in French.

How do you say reticulated giraffes in french?

The reticulated giraffe is called une girafe (single f, feminine noun) réticulée in French.

What is the masculine of giraffe?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a female giraffe is a cow or doe; the noun for a male giraffe is a bull or sire.

What does giraffe mean in french?

It is s a animal

How do you say giraffe in Greenlandic?

In Greenlandic, giraffe is translated as "qarasaasiaq."

How do you say giraffe in Kikuyu language?

Giraffe can be translated into Kikuyu language as dwiga.

How do you say 'giraffe' in Spanish?

Jirafa :)The Spanish word for "giraffe" is Jirafa.

What is the french word for hippopotamus?

the french word for giraffe is " Une Girafe "