Well it is a little hard to save them! But you must move your mouse fast enough. After about seven things have been thrown her face gets red. Go crank the guy up. Keep doing this until he is uo there. Makes sure it does not go up to 1,000,000. Or you will start over.
you have to go in to the pop art museum and talk to the curator.
Once you complete the scooter chase, you can get the package at the museum that sends you to Early Poptropica. There is no key until then, so looking in Early Poptropica won't help. Once you get the message from the Curator, go to Early Poptropica and find her in the Pop Art Museum there.
When you are released from jail, get the timecard from the security guard, who is at the Clown Store. Use the video in the museum's security room to get a photo of the thief. When you show it Downtown, you will chase the thief on the scooters from the All that Jazz Cafe to the docks. When he escapes, head back to the museum where a package is waiting. Fly to Early Poptropica and meet the curator from Counterfeit Island. She is in the Pop Art museum and will give you the key.
The Black Widow key card is dropped by the art thief (shady guy) when he makes his escape by boat.
Keys to the supply room:you have to talk to the assistant curator, who is in the museum at the top. You tell him that you want to apply for the job and he says you have to put some paintings in the right places for him. When you're done he will say that you can step inside the forgery detection lab whenever you are ready. it is right next to you, so step right in. once you are in talk to the assistant curator again and you will start some tests about paintings(read the instructions, they aren't hard). Once you're done he will give you the keys for the supply room.Keys to the cottage:When you finish the chase after the "strange man", go back to the museum. The assistant curator will be standing near the door. Talk to him, and he will give you a package with no return address. "Examine" the package and use the scanner thing to hover it over the painting. It will say: "Meet me at the Museum on Early Poptropica Island. Tell no one. You're being watched. - The Curator". So, go outside into your blimp and fly to Early Poptropica. Enter the Pop Art Museum, which is directly to the left, and walk to the left when you're inside. There will be a lady with grey hair and purple clothes standing there. Talk to her, and she will give you the keys to the cottage.
At the art museum in Early Poptropica.
the curator is on early poptropica island in the pop art museum
On Counterfeit Island he's at the art gallery on Early Poptropica Island.
The art thief is back on Counterfeit Island. As part of Counterfeit island, you don't need to do anything in Early Poptropica except get the key from the curator at the Pop Art Museum, then return to Counterfeit Island to open the Inspector's house.
you need to travel counterfeild island and go to the left
go to early poptropica and go into the art museum there you will find the person and then do what she said then go back to counterfeit island and there i hope i helped
When you get the message on Counterfeit island, travel to Early Poptropica in the blimp and go to the Pop Art Museum. The curator from the Museum Fantastique is at the lower left inside.
well it matters if it is from counterfeit island or what cause if it is from counterfeit island they stay in there place because it is based on a man trying to steel paintings from a art gallery so after you saved them they would stay in the art gallery
you go to early poptropica, and go inside the gray art place. there you talk to the lady in purple and get a key. the key goes to the locked house back in counterfeit island.
You go to Early Poptropica Island and go into Pop Art Museum and a lady gives you a key
On Counterfeit Island, the curator of the Museum Fantastique summons you to meet her on Early Poptropica (an extraordinary inclusion for Poptropica). Take the blimp to the other island, and enter the Pop Art Museum there. After meeting the curator, return to Counterfeit Island to continue the quest.
you have to go in to the pop art museum and talk to the curator.