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juz wear them below ur waist

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Q: How do you sag your pants?
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Does Matthew Underwood sag his pants?

yes i do think Matthew Underwood does sag his pants. That is my answer.

Do women like when men sag there pants?

NO!! The guys that sag their pants are the guys that women sometimes rant about!! My advice to guys is NOT to sag your pants!! But that's just MY opinion...

Is it a Florida law that you cant sag your pants?

It is illegal to sag your pants in the state of Florida and Alabama.

Does Eminem sag his pants?


Did the prison gangs sag their pants above or below their butts?

Prison gangs typically sag their pants below their buttocks as a sign of disrespect to the prison system and as a way to show affiliation to their gang. This practice is known as "low riding" or "sagging."

Does marshall mathers where tight pants or loose?

He wears loose pants but, he doesn't sag.

Should guys sag their pants?

Sagging pants is a personal choice that guys can make. Most girls, however, agree that this practice is odd to look at, and would prefer to look at a cute butt. Guys sag because they think girls think its hot. But to most girls its weird IF THEY HAVE A PENIS THEN THEY SHOULD SAG, IF THEY HAVE A VAGINA THEN THEY SHOULD NOT SAG

How many years of jail do you get when you sag your pants?

The answer is 3 years

Do one direction members where saggy pants?

Yes One direction members where saggy pants! Which I love when people sag their pants!!

Does Josh hutcherson sag?

Haha? No. He doesn't, his pants are always up- one of the few teen male actors that doesn't sag(:

Does Chris Brown sag his pants?

Yes, he does. Although not all the time.

Do One Direction sag their pants?

Obviously - I mean, they are teenagers, right?