To safely uncock a crossbow, point the loaded crossbow at the ground (soil is safer that concrete). Remove the bolt. Firing the unloaded crossbow is probably the easiest method to uncock as the pressure could be quite powerful.
Release safety, pull trigger. There is no external hammer to uncock.
Homemade crossbow
No way to do it.
Get an owner's manual. Take it to a qualified gunsmith.
Crossbow, crossbow
Go to Remington's web site and request an owner's manual.
the best crossbow to use is rune crossbow. or if u have done the chosen commander quest use the zaniks crossbow.
the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow is 99
the crossbow is aawsome
No he does not use a crossbow.
rune crossbow is a good crossbow. and dark bow is the best longbow.
I love Lauren.