at asda
replace the door or buy a new car.
The lock actuator is in the rear door, the panel will need to be removed. When the panel is removed you will see the actuator bolted to the door frame. Not to hard to replace.
Access in rear door panel, allows you to lock/inlock rear door.
Take the door panel off then unscew the three torx screws on the side of the door then unhook the two linkage arms from the lock actuator.
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On the inside upper frame of the rear passanger door when open there are 5 bronze pegs that make contact with the door when closed, if these become dirty the electrical contact will not lock the rear door. Take fine grade sandpaper or steelwhool and shine them up, close the door and try it again.
my discovery 3 rear door lock will not lock with remote
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Begin by removing the inside door panel on your 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager. Remove the door lock linkage. Remove the door lock retaining bolts. The door lock will come out.
Our 1995 Tracker Sidekick has a spare on the rear door , it has a tire lock that your ignition or door key should unlock, however our keys do not fit the lock. I may have to drill or grind it off and replace it with anotherone
= How do you replace the rear dutch door latch on a 1997 gmc safari?" =