What is the side effects of electronic cigarettes?
cigarettes have also contributed. Global sales of smokeless tobacco
products, including smokeless inhalers, has grown to nearly $3
billion -- and continues to grow. In an attempt to quit the tobacco
habit as many as one-fifth of smokers have tried e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes were first developed in China and were introduced to
the U.S. market in 2007. Many are similar enough in appearance to
be mistaken for regular tobacco cigarettes. But one look inside and
you'll see the main difference: This is a tobacco-free product.
E-cigs are actually vaporizers; instead of burning tobacco, the
mechanism heats up a liquid. The liquid turns into vapor, which is
then inhaled, or "vaped." While some argue that vapor offers health
advantages over traditional cigarette smoke, regulatory agencies
and some health experts aren't so sure that's true. Before you
consider taking up the e-cigarette habit, read on to get the