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Click and drag the rule to the gum in the inventory.

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Q: How do you put the gum on the ruler in riddle school 3?
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How do you kill smiley in riddle school 5?

Get the ruler then the gum on the globe. Put it together and put it into the vent to get the rubber band. Get the rubber band and shoot it at the teacher. The glasses will fall off. Tell Smiley, he will go get the glasses. Then trip him.

How do you get the money on riddle school 3 from the janitors closet?

If you have the toilet paper, put it in the toilet and click on the flusher. The janitor will come in and say "DO I HEAR A TOILET CLOG?" and then you go back to the closet and grab the money.

Where do you put the hose in the game riddle transfer?

You go to the lounge and you put the begining of the hose in the drink thing and put the other end in the trash bin

How do you get the cookie in riddle school?

go into the teacher's lounge when they are not there then keep clicking on the back of the machine until it goes to a close up of the plug and then click on the plug.presto! the plug goes in by itself and then all you need to do is put in 75 cents to get the cookie.yup

How do you repair the rubber duck on the club penguin mission?

First You Pick Up The Duck Then Go To The Dock Talk To Him And Help Him Pull The Switch Really High Really Fast Then Go To The Plaza And talk To Them When They Get Stuck Tell Them You'll Help Then Click In The Middle Of The Gum Then Ask For The Gum Then Put The Gum And The Duck Together Then Put On The Air Pump And Pump Up The Duck First You Pick Up The Duck Then Go To The Dock Talk To Him And Help Him Pull The Switch Really High Really Fast Then Go To The Plaza And talk To Them When They Get Stuck Tell Them You'll Help Then Click In The Middle Of The Gum Then Ask For The Gum Then Put The Gum And The Duck Together Then Put On The Air Pump And Pump Up The Duck

Related questions

How do you kill smiley in riddle school 5?

Get the ruler then the gum on the globe. Put it together and put it into the vent to get the rubber band. Get the rubber band and shoot it at the teacher. The glasses will fall off. Tell Smiley, he will go get the glasses. Then trip him.

How do you get the bubble gum into the school?

you put it in your pocket open it during recess(if you have it). keep the rapper to put bubble gum in put bubble gum in rapper after recess other than that i do not know

How do you get chub in riddle school 3 away from the office?

put the pudding on the floor

Why do students get in trouble for chewing gum in school?

Because some kids put their gum under desks and tables,and when they pop there gum out loud!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you prank someone on the school bus?

put gum in their hair =D

Where do you get the chewing gum in Poptropica?

Its in the locker. At the school. For the combination, you have to put the comic together.

What is the locker combo on big nate island in poptropica?

You have to put the comic together and that will tell you the locker combo. In the locker is some gum. Chew the gum in school and get detention.

Why can't have gum at school?

Teachers find it annoyingIt's bad for your teeth so they are encouraging you not to have itUsually when we are done with out gum we put it under tables and on walls and its not nice for the cleaners!

How do you get into the deteniion room on poptropica?

you have to blow gum in the school and the principal will put you in detention. if you get all the peices of comic book page and give them to the man in klassic komix he will give you the gum.

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Why is gum tasty?

Because of the additives they put into the gum.

What riddle did Siddhartha need to answer?

The riddle of human suffering.