

How do you put on new belt?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How do you put on new belt?
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1) take old belt off 2) put new belt on yes yes it was that simple. thanks for playing

How do you put on a serpentine belt a 2005 Ford 500?

The belt has a spring loaded tensioner. The tensioner can be pulled to the side to release the belt then the belt can be removed. Make sure to put the new belt over all of the pulleys the same way that the old one was positioned.

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Never use belt dressing on a serpentine belt. Clean the dressing off and recheck the pulleys.

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- cut off the old belt - buy a new belt - take off the two pulleys that have yellow brackets (one on each side) that restrict you to just put on the belt - put the belt on all the other pulleys - put the other two pulleys back on

How do you change the belt on a 1998 Chevy Prizm?

Begin by loosening the tensioner pulley. Slide the tensioner pulley to the right and the belt will become loose. Remove the old belt and put the new belt on. Tighten the new belt by sliding the tensioner pulley to the left.