Try They carry lots of Bleach costumes.
you can buy a cosplay costume online or you can make a costume yourself. There are also many places where you and other people can cosplay known as cosplay events.
Buy the costume.
Google Directory Cosplay Anime Costume resources:
This is what I found, you can have a try on a good website for cosplay costumes
From Kingdom Hearts? Go to the cosplay store in the links. Do a search for the costume or ask them to make it custom.
Cosplay (short for Costume Play) is dressing up as a specific character, usually Anime characters.
Well if it's just for cosplay you can buy it on a cosplay website (full costume)
You can wear anything you'd like. If you can't buy a Cosplay costume make your own costume with whatever you have and try to make it look similar to a Anime TV show you like.
A good cosplay place is
Cosplay is short for Costume Play. Although the majority of costumes are of anime and video game characters, it could be a costume for anything. You could dress up as a dog and it would still count as cosplay.
There are a number places to purchase cosplay costume and most of them are online. Here's a list of some of them:AmazoneBayCosplay MagicMoon CostumesYesAsiaCDJapanCosplay StationCosplay Locator