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Proper training is the answer to this age old farm problem. I have two dogs on my farm and have had both kill and eat chickens when they were younger. They now can be left to guard the chickens for hours all alone and never harm them.

First: You need to let the dog know the chickens are yours, and the dog must respect that. The dog must do as YOU wish not the other way around.

Next: Leash the dog, take it with you when you are near the hens. Carry on your daily chores with the flock and include the dog in everything you do. Any wrong move by the dog must be met with a pause and a distraction, and sometimes a loud, NO! ( I say "my chickens not yours!) It is not necessary to hit the dog. Praise the dog when it gets near a hen and just sniffs but does not snap at it. Give it a rub and tell it "good dog" and go on doing this for a few days.

Eventually, take the dog in with you off the leash using the same commands. If the hens are free range then sit in the yard for a while while the hens scratch for food and run around , keep the dog with you and curtail any attempt at chasing with a sharp "NO". Toss food for the hens close to where you sit and get the hens running near the dog. It may take a month or two of training but the dog will soon learn that praise comes from Not touching the hens and sharp commands come from chasing them.

There are no bad dogs just bad trainers/owners. My Chow/Shepard cross learned in two days, and my White Shepard took about 5 days to get it right but I have not lost a chicken since, not to dogs nor to coyotes or foxes as the hens are now part of my dogs pack.

New info as of 2008- I have added a King Shepard pup to the "pack" she took to the hens within the first week and has never harmed or harassed any of the birds.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Fence. Putting the chickens in large pens or coops. putting the dogs in a fence, or in a fenced in yard, or on a chain. It is hard (most the time impossible) to break a dog after they taste raw chicken or chicken blood.

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12y ago

As you know foxes are very sly and will find away to get to any prey. But there is a way to make sure you chickens are safe.

Flyteso fancy make chicken coops and provide poultry supplies. All there houses and Runs are protected with strong galvanised weldmesh. Chicken wire is old fashioned and not as safe as a strong chicken coop foundation and is best to get it changed.

You could also get a electric poultry netting to keep the foxes away. Poultry netting is a solution to security and has been used for many years.

A large non-electrified fence needs to be dug in at the base and at least 6ft tall, Electric Poultry Netting is about 3ft 6in tall and is brilliant, no digging it in (a fox cannot dig under it without getting a shock) and it doesn't look like a prison camp, it can be moved when necessary and made into any shape you want. There are other considerations with electric netting so again, research it first.

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11y ago

They way you protect chickens from owls and hawks is to place netting or chicken wire over the chicken run. You also make sure the hen house is secure and that flying predators cannot enter from an airspace under the roofing.

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Q: How can I stop my dog from chasing chickens?
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Of course! However, it has to be done while the dog is still young. Once it gets the taste of blood hope is lost. The best way is to place the dog with the chickens when it is still a puppy. Let the roosters run it and peck at it (don't let them hurt him too bad) but if he learns the chickens are dominant over him he will be less likely to hurt them or even go near them when he is older.

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There are some things you can do to discourage them from killing the chickens but it will never be safe for them to be with chickens without supervision.If you teach the dog a good recall then you will be able to call the dog away anytime it attempts to chase and kill a chicken and you could reward calm behavior (such as lying down and ignoring the chickens).But depending on the dog's prey dive they may never be able to be around chickens safely so use your judgement and keep the chickens safety in mind when trying to train him to be around them.

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Just putting the cat near the dog, except put something between then like, putting the cat in a cat cage and the dog near it. Until they get better with each other and the dog wont chase it. If its a wild cat or just a cat that come in your yard, there's really nothing you can do, just keep the dog away.

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