I do not know what "pronounciate" is but 'Une Noisette' which is a Hazelnut is pronounced "oon n-wa zette".
une noisette
"une noisette" is a hazelnut in French. Noisette can be used as an adjective, especially in the sentence 'avoir les yeux noisette', to describe the eye colour.
"une noisette" (feminine noun) is a hazelnut. "avoir les yeux noisette", is to have one's eyes the colour of hazelnuts.
"Pronounciate" is not a standard English word. The correct term is "pronounce."
You-tah or You-tau
Louis Claude Noisette was born in 1772.
Kathleen Noisette was born in Baltimore, in Maryland, USA.
Louis Claude Noisette died in 1849.
The plant: hamamelis The eye color: noisette (yeux noisette)
Kathleen Noisette's birth name is Catherine Hackett.
les yeux noisette is 'hazelnut eyes' in English.
(Crem) (broolay)