None of the teachers knew how to pronounce that student's name.
You would pronounce "my name is" as "meu nome é" in Portuguese.
You pronounce it Lootsyouv. It's Ukrainian.
I would pronounce it "laow" with a long a.
some may try to pronounce mjolnir, but no, it is the mighty Johnathan
Antone Hammers's birth name is Antone Henry Hammers.
Hammers is a German name meaning Hammer's son. Hammer was an occupational name for maker or user of hammers or nickname for a forceful person.
Joseph Thors was born in 1835.
Joseph Thors died in 1884.
Ulf Thors was born in 1952.
Ólafur Thors was born on January 19, 1892.
Ólafur Thors was born on January 19, 1892.
Frits Thors was born on September 13, 1909.
Frits Thors was born on September 13, 1909.