Thor's hammer was called Miolnir. As with many words & names of medieval Norse, to pronounce it correctly one must "forget" how the letters sound in English. "Miolnir", rather than being pronounced "Me-ol-neer" would be pronounced "M-yu-nr". The M is partially silent, the L is completely silent and the R is pronounced by rrrrrolling the toungue. The name is said with a flat inflection when spoken as part of a statement. When it is the operating word at the end of a question the inflection should increase over the N, and if said as part of an exclamation ("By Miolnir, that was close", etc) the stress should be placed over the Y.
A block of wood that a hammer rests on is typically called a hammer block or a hammer rest. It is used to support the hammer in a stable position when not in use.
The input force of a hammer is the force applied by the person swinging or striking with the hammer. It is the force exerted on the hammer handle by the person's hand or arm to drive the hammer head onto the target.
In a hammer, heat energy is transferred through conduction. When the hammer strikes an object, some of the kinetic energy from the hammer's movement is converted to heat due to friction between the hammer and the object. This heat is then transferred through the hammer's material via conduction.
A typical hammer weighs between 16 to 20 ounces, depending on the size and type of hammer.
The proper name for the hammer a doctor uses to test your reflex is just "reflex hammer". It is a medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes and is an important part of a neurological physical examination.
some may try to pronounce mjolnir, but no, it is the mighty Johnathan
Thor's hammer's name is pronounced "Mjölnir." It is typically pronounced as "MYOHL-neer" in English.
Thor doesn't have a sword, he has a hammer.
lord of thunderstorms (mjollnir thors hammer)
Captian America
Thor didn't die
Odd Kidds Out - 2013 Thors Hammer 1-6 was released on: USA: 25 May 2013
You have to be one of the dwarf brothers: Sindri and Brokk.
She Hulk picked up Thors hammer in Marvel vs DC Series.
Thor's hammer is traditionally known in Norse mythology as some variation on "Mjolnir."
Odin when he banished thor he made a spell on thors hammer and then Thor made a sucess and earn his hammer back
Thor's hammer's name was Mjolnir, and translated as "crusher".