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On Tenor it is F# A B; B C# F# twice, then F# A B B A B C# F# F# F# A B B A B C# F#, then it repeats those two riffs. I transposed the notes for Alto, and they are C# E F#; F# G# C# twice, then C# E F# F# E F# G# C# C# C# E F# F# E F# G# C#

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I think we should supoprt those needing adoption, even if they are older or special needs, and supoprt those who age out at 18 when they are not adopted(i.e. current and former foster children, they didn't get a choice in their situations, adults who want to adopt do)

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I don't know what the verses are but the chourus is C B A G A A.

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G AAA G AAA G AAA D C A G A rest A rest G AA G AA E D C A

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Learn Alto Sax and find out what the notes are.

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Does epic sax guy play an alto or tenor sax?

Selmer Paris Mark VI Alto Saxophone

How do you play Europa on alto sax?

you don't

Can you play a song with an alto sax that is played with a tenor sax?

The answer is no.I tried it and i can't.You can play either with alto sax either with tenor sax.No with both of them. If you mean playing a song that has a tenor sax on an alto sax, you have to transpose all the notes and the key signature down 5 half steps.