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You can't pick up weapons. The weapon you wish to use must be in your inventory and then you can equip it.

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Q: How do you pick up weapons in tf2?
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How do you level up weapons in tf2?

Weapons cannot be "leveled up" in TF2

How do you get more weapons on Teamfortress2?

if you've got the Xbox version you cannot get more weapons. however if you've downloaded it off steam you can pick them up. to download steam make a account and download tf2 its free. hope my answer helps.

How do you get new weapons on tf2?

if you want to get the scout weapons eg. do achevments

How do you find strange weapons in tf2?

Strange weapons are obtained from unboxable crates.

Can you trade tf2 beta weps onto tf2 normal?

No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.

Do you lose your weapons if you reinstall tf2?

Nope, everything on your profile for TF2 (backpack/controls etc...) is kept online.

Can you transfer tf2 weapons from one steam account to another?


How do you use unlockable tf2 weapons in Gmod?

download them from

How to pick up weapons on blockland?

easy, touch it

I crafted most of the Spy's weapons in TF2 can I ever get them all back?

Nope, sorry.

How do you pick up weapons on Shadow the Hedgehog PS2?

Press the circle button near a weapon to pick it up.

How do you pick up weapons on hobo 4?

press the key a