Use the key provided
The Samsonite Aeris suitcase does not come with a standard lock and key. You must use a code to open it with. The code usually comes with the suitcase when it is purchased.
The American Tourister Suitcase is made by Samsonite. It has a lock that consists of three dials, that form a combination chosen by the owner. If the owner forgets the combination, he can try to pick it open with a safety pin (one can find instructions for this on the Internet) or take it to a Samsonite Repair Center.
In order to open any combination lock you need to know the correct combination, set each wheel of the lock so that the correct combination of numbers are visible in a line and the lock will then pop open when triggered.
In order to open any combination lock you need to know the correct combination, set each wheel of the lock so that the correct combination of numbers are visible in a line and the lock will then pop open when triggered.
Use the key that came with the suitcase.
The locks are cheap-jimmying them will destroy- you have to use whatever tools necessary and write off the suitcase.
The locks are cheap-jimmying them will destroy- you have to use whatever tools necessary and write off the suitcase.
Samsonite luggage locks are similar to cheap locks on a gas cap and can be opened with a little time and patience. The only thing you will need for this project is a drill and a 1/8 inch drill bit. Place drill bit inside lock hole and apply plenty of pressure to cut the metal. Once you have reached the core of the lock hole it will disengage the locking mechanism.
If you have forgotten the code to your suitcase's combination lock, you can either use a hammer and screwdriver to disengage the latch, or if you have an immense amount of patience, you can set the dials to 0-0-0 and increment them, one digit at a time, until the lock opens. If you are quick and agile, you may be able to open the lock in ten to twenty minutes, however, if it is a four or five digit lock, it might take you several days to a week.
You should be able to get your Samsonite suitcase repaired in Metro-Manila at any store that sells Samsonite. There are not a lot of stores that will repair a suitcase anymore, most want you to buy a new one.
How to reset the number??