just multiply across. (numerator x numeraotor= new mumerator, denomonator x denominator= new denominator) then simplify if necessary
unlike denominators: the bottom number of a fraction. to have unlike denominators you must have two fractions with a different number on the bottom of each fraction.
Mix numbers
To multiply two fractions, multiply the numerators together, then the denominators, then put the new numerator over the new denominator. Simplify if you can. To divide fractions, invert the second fraction and multiply as just described.
If we are given two fraction, with two same denominators, we can just say which is bigger by comparing the numerators. But, if the denominators are different, say a/b and p/q, then compare, a*q and p*b.
You can multiply the two denominators, or you can find the least common multiple for the two denominators.
unlike denominators: the bottom number of a fraction. to have unlike denominators you must have two fractions with a different number on the bottom of each fraction.
Mix numbers
To multiply two fractions, multiply the numerators together, then the denominators, then put the new numerator over the new denominator. Simplify if you can. To divide fractions, invert the second fraction and multiply as just described.
If we are given two fraction, with two same denominators, we can just say which is bigger by comparing the numerators. But, if the denominators are different, say a/b and p/q, then compare, a*q and p*b.
You can multiply the two denominators, or you can find the least common multiple for the two denominators.
Multiply the two numerators and their product will be the new numerator., and multiply the two denominators and their product will be the new denominator, then reduce the terms if possible. Example: 3/4 x 4/5 = 12/20 = 3/5
They have the same numerator (1) but different denominators. Since the numerator is 1 in each fraction, it cannot be simplified therefore each unit fraction is in its simplest form. Then, because the denominators of any two of them are different the fractions must be different.
The numerator of the answer is the product of the two numerators.The denominator of the answer is the product of the two denominators.You should check whether the answer can be simplified.So, for example, 2/3 * 5/7 = (2*5)/(3*7).
No. An improper fraction is a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator
If your denominators are different, then you can not add them. To add the denominators you need to change them so they are alike. In order to do this, you must multiply by the denominators to get the least common multiple (LCM)Example:5/6 + 7/8=The LCM of these two numbers is 24. Now multiply the denominators until you reach 245/(6x4) + 7/(8x3)=Now multiply the same number to the numerator(5x4)/(6x4) + (7x3)/(8x3)= 20/24 + 21/24Now add the numerators and keep the same denominator20/24 +21/24= 41/24 (Improper Fraction) or 1 and 17/24 (Mixed Number)Hint: Always check to see if you can simplify it. In this case, it doesn't6/8 simplifies to 3/4
Multiply two denominators together.
i give up i have been asking this question for 9 years a unlike fraction is where you have two or more fractions and the denominators are all different