forest+life=wild animalby sk8ter girl
wood with air
Human+wild animal (thats how i did itt)
forest+life=wild animalby sk8ter girl
Human+wild animal (thats how i did itt)
:)swamp+egg= lizard i'm sure
you cant. I kept tring, so you really cant.
You have to mix Wild Animal + Tree
Beast doesn't exist, if you mean wild animal, forest+life forest: tree+tree life: energy+swamp
I'm pretty sure its wild animal-sea
penguin=wild animal+ice ice=water+cold human=earth+life wild animal=forest+life cold=rain+human life=energy+swamp forest=tree+tree rain=cloud+water energy=fire+air tree=plant+time cloud=air+steam time=glass+sand steam=fire+water glass=sand+electricity electricity=energy+metal metal=stone+fire stone=lava+air lava=fire+earth