take some palm olive oil then put it in a frying pan, put about a gram of your favorite weed and let it boil for about 10-15 minutes, and there u go! lol
oil! check out the honeybee extractor!
you need to put the weed in vegetable oil, let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes, drain out the weed, and the oil will be cannoil and u can make brownies with it and i guess u can drink it if you want but ull probably throw up
What type of oil does weed eater or7000
Get weed alot a weed
you start with an ounce or how ever much your gonna use. then break it up verry fine. seeds and steams should be taken out but its not that important. then put it in hot oil on the stove, not boiling hot you don't want to weed to burn in the oil so stir it often. let it sit in the oil for an hour atleast, the longer its in the oil the more THC that will enter the oil. that makes canabis oil, then add that oil to what ever your cooking and you can get high of it.
Changing the oil is as simple as looking for the oil gauge on the weed eater. Once one finds the gauge within the weed eater, then remove the cap and remove the oil.
You have to much oil in your fuel/oil mix
put orange peels in jar with weed
they do weed. you shouldnt do weed.
The oil ratio will vary depending on the make and model of the engine. I recommend that you call a small engine repair shop that services your brand of weed wacker and they can tell you exactly the proper mix of fuel to oil. This is very important to the life of that little hard working engine so please, don't just guess.
You don't use oil, you use grease