You can just get it from another website and copy it but only if it is in text. If it is just another picture, then when you copy it, it won't work when you try and paste it.
Infinity sign on iPhone
sign up
There is an app called the "character viewer"; see if you can find an infinity sign there.
The infinity sign ∞ is sometimes called the lemniscate.
[infinty sign]<x<[infinity sign]
Your msn is your msn email ( or your own one ) That you use to sign into Windows live messenger (msn).
The sign for infinity is ∞
yes you can but let me ask u a question's it sign in on msn when you sign in on ebuddy?
The infinity symbol is ∞, if this is what you are asking.
First, you have to have an email address. If you don't already have one, you can probably sign up for a hotmail or gmail email account.After that,you can register with msn using your email account.Then download msn messenger.You can do it by searching for the "msn messenger" on a search engine.After downloading, you'll be able to login to msn with your email and password.
∞ -- Copy and paste this character if you want to use an infinity symbol on your iPhone. There is no infinity symbol available on the standard iPhone keyboard.
You can sign up for MSN in Mexico just by going to the official MSN website. There is no special restriction placed on Mexican members and nothing extra is required to join.