U can'd do dittos wit ur computa'h. 〃〃〃〃〃〃〃 Here 's coupla ov dittomarkz 4 u11!
Unfortunately Ditto has no evolution.
A Dragonair and a Ditto will have a Dratini egg.
you can't breed pokemon to make a ditto, but you can catch a ditto at route 218 using a PokeRader.
ditto mark those are quotation marks you use them when using a quote she said, "i love puppies."
only ditto to make more rotom
No because a Ditto can't mate with another Ditto Sorry
yes if the the poliwhirl doesnt need a special item with another poliwhirl it can make a poliwag with a ditto
No, but Ditto can breed with almost every other Pokemon to make the other parent's species Pokemon.
I am sorry to tell you but ditto and spirittomb do not mak eeggs together
NONE just catch a ditto lazy