

Best Answer
  • Take a piece of paper and fold it in half.
  • Unfold back to a full page and fold either end to a point by bringing each corner to the fold line. Should now look like a house if you stand it on the bottom edge.
  • Fold the point down towards the bottom. Start the fold at the "roofline" of your house shape, folding the 2 triangle shapes that make up the "roof" inward.
  • Fold the peak, approx. 1/2 inch, of your (former) roof back towards the sky and then back down.
  • Fold each corner of the "roofline" to the center of your "peak" fold and flip the peak fold up again. The peak fold should now be covering each corner of the "roofline".
  • Fold your plane again along its original (step 1) fold so the other folds are on the outside.
  • Fold each side down by bringing the "wing" edge to the bottom of the plane.
  • Now lift the wings back up carefully and visually create a sleek jet plane shape. The wings should be "up" slightly so the air can roll off the bottom of the plane sides and rear.
  • Gentle toss and it's off.

Here are more opinions and answers:

  • Instructions for making paper airplanes are almost impossible to follow, unless illustrated in pictures or drawings. There are many, many books about making paper airplanes, and tons of different kinds of planes you can make. I recommend the books "The World Record Paper Airplane Book" and "Super Simple Paper Airplanes".
  • See the Related Links for "video showing how to make a paper airplane" or " shows how to make a paper plane" to the left.

enjoy your paper airplane!

Take a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and fold it in half to create a 4.25 x 11. +2- Unfold back to a 8.5 x 11 and fold either end to a point by bringing each corner to the foldline. Should now look like a house if you stand it on the bottom edge. +3- fold the point down twords the bottom. Start the fold at the "roofline" of your house shape, folding the 2 triangle shapes that make up the "roof" inward. +4-Fold the peak, approx. 1/2 inch, of your (former) roof back twords the sky and then back down. +5- Fold each corner of the "roofline" to the center of your "peak" fold and flip the peak fold up again. The peak fold should now be covering each corner of the "roofline". +6- Fold your plane again along it's original (step 1) fold so the other folds are on the outside. +7- Fold each side down by bringing the "wing" edge to the bottom of the plane. +8- Now lift the wings back up carefully and visually create a sleek jet plane shape. The wings should be "up" slightly so the air can roll off the bottom of the plane sides and rear. +9- Gental toss and it's off.

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13y ago
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14y ago

These are the instructions to make a type of paper airplane:

  • Fold the paper in half
  • Open the paper
  • Where the line is in the middle get 1 corner and put it there and do the same in the other
  • After it looks like a house make it into a half
  • After it looks like a bird get 1 wing and fold it and do the same to the other
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15y ago

First, you take an 8x10 piece of paper and fold the two top corners and fold them down even and align with the center. Then, you take the edges and fold them down and align them with the center of the paper. After that, you fold the plane in half vertically. Then you fold down the wings (try to crease the wings down more toward the nose tip). Throw with medium power. Have fun!

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13y ago

1. Start with an ordinary sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" - 21.6 x 28 cm (U.S.standard writing paper size). The exact size is not important, it should be rectangular and not square. The paper should be at least 20 Lb. bond or copy paper.

2. Fold over the left hand corner as shown.

3. Crease

4. Result

5. Fold over the right hand corner.

6. Crease

7. Result

8. Carefully close in the sides as shown.

9. Fold down the center line from front to back.

good luck you fat pigs and don't forget to throw your plane lightly

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15y ago

You simply fold the piece of paper into the most aerodynamic shape you can. Because there are literally 1000's of ways that you could make a paper plane this is very broad question.

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15y ago

make the airplane but attach a paper clip at the front!

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The smallest amount of steps it will take to make a paper plane DC3 is 33. This amount of steps is detailed and involves the use of paper, scissors, a pencil, and a ruler.

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it cant only if you throw it from in a plane in the air. it cant only if you throw it from in a plane in the air.

What can you make with newspaper?

Paper Plane, a new Hat and even a boat

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What helps make paper planes fly?

simply because its light and when you make a plane its sruface area keps it floatin and the shape of the plane controls the direction of the plane so you could even make a plane do the loop de loop

What distance can go a paper plane?

Depends on the paper used and how the paper plane was constructed.

How do you make a paper plane that goes fast?

You study aerodynamics at a college or a university.