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Destroy cactus blocks in desert biomes and then plant it on sand.An it will grow.

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Q: How do you make a cactus farm in minecraft?
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How do you make green dye on Minecraft?

Green:Cook cactus in the furnace to produce "Cactus green".Lime green:Combine cactus green with bonemeal to get lime dye.See the related link below for the official Minecraft crafting guide.

How do you spawn in farm in minecraft?

You can't spawn in a farm. You make one.

Where is Mississippi's only cactus farm?

Edwards, MS claims to have the world's ONLY cactus farm, but if you google "cactus farm", there are apparently several others.

How do you get cactus green dye in Minecraft?

Burn cactus in a furnace.

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You have to put a cactus in a furnace and then apply the resulting dye to the wool.

What can you do with a cactus block on minecraft?

You can 'smelt' it to create the dye, 'cactus green'. Or you can plant a block on sand to make more grow, which can make more dye, or be used as part of a trap, as it hurts mobs.

How do you get green dye in Minecraft?

Burn cactus in a furnace.

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It's used for tilling grass so that you can make a farm.

When do you know when a slime farm is near your location in minecraft xbox 360 edition?

You have to make it the game doesn't make it

Does it works to make a farm with the water under the dirt in Minecraft?

Yes It Does! The land will become fertile if it water is with in three blocks of farm land

Can you grow cactus in mine craft pocket edition?

Yes you can grow cactus in mine craft Pocket edition ,cuz I have a cactus farm

How long does It take to grow cactus in minecraft?

3-4 mins