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Get one of those LEGO racer motors and then put in one of the stick things and then put a round piece with a 4 point hole in it.


Get two of those flat 8 bumped hole pieces, four two pieces, a chain, two round pieces with a bump, and a piece that can go throw a Lego stick.

First take one of your flat pieces and put one of the two pieces on a end.

Then put the same type of brick on top. Do the same thing three bumps away. Then put one of the round pieces in the first hole on the other side. Put the chain on the bumped. Put the other hole pieces on top. Then put the other one bumped piece on top and then your done! Just turn the top and pull the chain.

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12y ago
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12y ago

use a cardbored knife to cut out two shapes of a bey launcher and use scotch

tape to tape it together and then paint it black make sure there is a non wide gap for the ziptie

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12y ago

U have to have a strong launch (really fast) and you have to have a defense or stamina type bey because with the defense types just sitting in the middle there is a high chance of friction being created causing the bey to heat pu and eventually spark

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