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Q: How do you make Raven's cloak?
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How do you get a jack cloak in Animal Crossing City Folk wii?

There is no such iten as the cloak that Jack wears, but you can always make a pattern for in.

How would you make an invisibility cloak?

they do not exist dude!

What items does Harry Potter use to make himself invisible?

The Invisibilty Cloak. The Third Hallow.

What Pokemon does the metal cloak evolve in Pokemon diamond?

You have to make the following Pokemon hold the metal cloak and then trade them: Onix = Steelix Scyther = Scizor

What is a korowai cloak?

a korowai is a Maori cloak that is worn by chiefs or one that has been passed down their ancestors down to them. You can also make a korowai with feathers.

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There was no game for the Ravens on that date, as they didn't make the playoffs for the 1995 season as the Browns.

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Does Voldemort get the invisibility cloak?

Voldemort, Dumbledore, or other powerful wizards don't need an invisibility cloak; according to the story, there is a simple spell they can use to make themselves invisible, and using this spell is much more convenient than using a cloak.

How do you make a invisibility cloak?

Currently, there is no known way to create a real invisibility cloak like those seen in science fiction. However, researchers are exploring technologies such as metamaterials and light manipulation to potentially achieve cloaking effects in the future.

What do you get from skinning onyxia in World of Warcraft?

From skinning Onyxia you get a scale that you can make a cloak out of.