The last digit here is in the thousandths column, so we can write this as 64 thousandths or 64/1000. This will simplify to 8/125.
how to make -7.08 a fraction
You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
To make a fraction into a decimal, you divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. The numerator is the number on top, and the denominator is the number on the bottom of the fraction.
Simplest form of a fraction, is the smallest fraction you can make. Say you have the fraction 25/50 you can make that 5/20 then 1/4. The simplest form is 1/4. You CAN NOT make 1/4 a smaller fraction.
You need another number to make a dollar (not dollor) a fraction of that value.
Assuming you mean 0.0064, the fraction would be 4/625 (in simplest form). Assuming you mean 0.064, the fraction would be 8/125 (in simplest form).
UTF-8 codes are easy to input. For example, "U+0064" could be input by holding the ALT key and entering "0064" on the numpad. Note that UTF-8 0064 is the same as ASCII 064 and will produce a @ sign.
No. 64 is New Zealand. Phillipines is 63
Dial 0064 and then the 10 digit no. you have.
how to make -7.08 a fraction
The phone number of the Zephyrhills Library is: 813-780-0064.
You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
most of New Zealand mobile phone numbers start with:021 (vodafone network)027 (telecom network)022 (2degrees network)So when calling from the UK you would drop the FIRST '0' from the 021, 027, or 022:0064 21 (vodafone network)0064 27 (telecom network)0064 22 (2degrees network)(the number 0064 is the New Zealand country area code, which is for ALL mobiles and home lines)
0064 is the country code for New Zealand - but I can't find any reference for the digit 8.