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Yes, with some limitations.

Private individuals can mail rifles and shotguns via USPS.

Only FFL holders may mail handguns via USPS.

Private individuals can mail a long gun or a handgun through a commercial carrier such as UPS or FEDEX. Check the carrier rules, they may have special requirements.

YOU MAY NOT sell a gun interstate (between states) without going through a FFL holder. You can send guns to FFL holders or to the factory for repair.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Generally handguns may NOT be sent through the US Mail. There are however some exceptions. See DMM 601.11.1 at:

11.1.2 Handguns

Pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person

(referred to as handguns) are nonmailable unless mailed between the parties listed

in 11.1.3 and 11.1.5 after the filing of an affidavit or statement required by 11.1.4

and 11.1.6. 11.1.3 Authorized Persons

Subject to 11.1.4, handguns may be mailed by a licensed manufacturer of firearms,

a licensed dealer of firearms, or an authorized agent of the federal government or

the government of a state, territory, or district, only when addressed to a person in

one of the following categories for use in the person's official duties:

a. Officers of the Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Organized

Reserve Corps.

b. Officers of the National Guard or militia of a state, territory, or district.

c. Officers of the United States or of a state, territory, or district, whose official duty

is to serve warrants of arrest or commitment.

d. USPS employees authorized by the Chief Postal Inspector.

e. Officers and employees of enforcement agencies of the United States.

f. Watchmen engaged in guarding the property of the United States, a state,

territory, or district.

g. Purchasing agent or other designated member of agencies employing officers

and employees included in 11.1.3c. through 11.1.3e. 11.1.4 Affidavit of Addressee

Any person proposing to mail a handgun under 11.1.3 must file with the postmaster,

at the time of mailing, an affidavit signed by the addressee setting forth that the

addressee is qualified to receive the firearm under a particular category of 11.1.3a.

through 11.1.3g, and that the firearm is intended for the addressee's official use.

The affidavit must also bear a certificate stating that the firearm is for the official duty use of the addressee, signed by one of the following, as appropriate:

a. For officers of Armed Forces, by the commanding officer.

b. For officers and employees of enforcement agencies, by the head of the

agency employing the addressee to perform the official duty with which the

firearm is to be used.

c. For watchmen, by the chief clerk of the department, bureau, or independent

branch of the government of the United States, the state, the territory, or the

district by which the watchman is employed.

d. For the purchasing agent or other designated member of enforcement

agencies, by the head of such agency, that the firearm is to be used by an

officer or employee included in 11.1.3c. through 11.1.3e, Authorized Persons. 11.1.5 Manufacturers and Dealers

Handguns may also be mailed between licensed manufacturers of firearms and

licensed dealers of firearms in customary trade shipments, or for repairing or

replacing parts.

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15y ago

Yes. However, you cannot use the USPS(unless you are a licensed dealer or the manufacturer) you have to use fed ex or ups. Generally they require it be shipped overnight.

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11y ago

You have an FFL dealer send it for you - as a private citizen, you are specifically restricted from mailing handguns.

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12y ago

You don't STUPID!!

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Q: Can you mail a handgun
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Can you mail a handgun from post office?

no,you cant

How do you ship your handgun to Hawaii?

You may ship a handgun to yourself by UPS or FedEx. Both require next day Air, which is rather expensive. You may not MAIL a handgun by US Mail unless you are a dealer. It may be less expensive to pay a dealer to mail it for you. If traveling by air it is possible to check a handgun with your airline as CHECKED- not carry-on- baggage. Be sure to check Hawaiian law- fairly strict gun laws.

How do you mail a handgun by FedEx?

fill out the appropriate paperwork at the FedEx store

Can a handgun be mail from a company to your home address?

Generally speaking, no, however, there is an except in most states. You can ship a handgun directly to the manufacturer for repair and they can ship it directly back to you, however, individuals are not supposed to ship handguns in the mail, but by Fedex or UPS or some other secondary carrier.

How do you send a gun back to factory for repairs?

In the US, rifles and shotguns can be mailed by US Mail. Handguns may only be shipped by Federal Express or UPS. A licensed dealer CAN mail a handgun in the US Mail- private citizens may not.

How must a pistol be shipped by an ffl?

There are several different FFLs (Federal Firearms Licensees) The most common are the 01 (Dealer) and 03 (Collector) I am an 03. A DEALER may ship a handgun by US Mail, or by a common carrier of freight, such as UPS or FedEx. The last two require that handguns be shipped by Next Day Air (their requirement, not a law). An 03 (Collector) may NOT mail a handgun in the US Mail, but must use a common carrier. A manufacturer is treated the same as a dealer.

How do you ship a pistol?

Use UPS or FedEx shipping service. the destination must be an FFL licensed dealer. <><><> Above is correct- but since both require the use of "Next Day Air", it is very expensive. You may do better to pay a dealer to ship for you. Unlike private citizens, a dealer can legally MAIL a handgun using US Mail Priority Mail- UPS and FexEx are charging about $70 to ship a handgun. And if crosssing a state line to another person, it must go TO a FFL license holder. <><><> Perfect answer!

Can you carry a black powder handgun in Tn?

If you have a handgun carry permit, definitely. The handgun carry permit covers "any handgun that you legally own or posses."

Why can you get a shootgun at 18 but not a handgun?

why can you get a shootgun at 18 but not a handgun

Do you have to reister a handgun in Tennessee?

A regular handgun, no. There is no registration in TN.

Can you mail guns?

In the US (other countries, other laws) a private citizen may mail an unloaded rifle or shotgun by US Mail. See chapter 14, Domestic Mail Manual. Only a Dealer or Manufacturer with a Federal Firearms License can legally MAIL a handgun. If the ownership of a firearm is being transferred across a state line, the gun MUST be shipped to a Federal Firearms License holder. Both UPS and FedEx hubs (not storefronts) will SHIP (not mail) rifles, shotguns, and handguns.

What year did the handgun law pass in Georgia?

Which handgun law? Georgia, as well as every other state, has hundreds of handgun laws.