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u only reverse the sign when u multiply or divide by a NEGATIVE number...otherwise u don't change the direction

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Q: How do you know when to reverse the direction of an inequality symbol?
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It can be done. The challenge is that you have to reverse the direction of the gear selectors Yes,I know that I have to reverse this.But how can I do this??Thanks a lot!

How do you know if the number or the symbol comes first in an inequality?

In simple terms, it doesn't matter. x<6 is the same as 6>x.

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If the inequality has a > or ≥ sign, you shade above the line. If the inequality has a < or ≤ sign, you shade below it. Obviously, just an = is an equation, not an inequality.

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When solving an inequality how do you know to change the symbol?

When adding or subtracting from both sides, the symbol doesn't change. The symbol only reverses when both sides are multiplied or divided by a negative number, because doing so makes the lesser side greater and the larger side smaller. Consider: 5>-3 *-1 -5<3 6>4 *-1 -6<-4

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well..... i think that martin Luther king fought AGAINST injustice and inequality because he made everyone consider and know that injustice and inequality is not right in the human race.

How do you write an inequality as two inequalities?

Google it, I dont know :P

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One thing that will tell you that is non involved is to jack up the rear end and rotate one of the wheels, if the other rotates in the reverse direction it is normal limited slip, if it rotates in the same direction it is posi.

When you graph inequalities how do you know what to shade?

Pick a test point, (the origin is the most convenient unless the line of the inequality falls on it), and plug it into the same linear inequality. If the test point makes the inequality true, then shade that side of the line. If the test point makes the inequality false, then shade the opposite side of the line.

How do you know when to use the less than symbol and when to use the less than or equal to symbol when writing an inequality for a situation?

It depends upon whether the inequality is strictly less than (<), or if it is less than or could be equal (≤). For example: if x < 6, x can have any value less than 6, but cannot have the value 6; but if x ≤ 6, x can have any value less than 6, but can also have the value 6. Or put another way, x = 6 is NOT a solution of x < 6, but IS a solution to x ≤ 6.