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If your pet is wetting at inappropriate places or urinating more often, you have every reason to suspect UTI.If you are reasonably aware of the changes in behavior of your pet you can identify the symptoms and look for consulting your veterinarian.

The mainstream veterinarians usually treat UTI in dogs with the aid of antibiotics. Many times it is seen that a higher dose of antibiotics actually aggravates the problem in your dog leading to further complications. Many veterinarians, who have a holistic approach to medicine, make use of natural herbs to treat UTI. Herbal and natural remedies support and become accustomed to the body's systems and help in permanent recovery. Homoeopathic remedies are all made of only natural products and as suchhomeopathic bladder infection treatment for canines too falls under the category of natural remedies.

Practically all herbs and homoeopathic remedies that are traditionally used for treating humans are effective for pet UTI too. Garlic is a natural antibiotic whereas Echinacea is very effective to remove residual products of infections. Rosehips are a major source of iron and vitamin C and Alfalfa and Uva Ursi can be used for reducing acidity in urine and irritation in mucosal linings. For increased vitality and as a tonic for blood and nervous system, Yarrow can be considered. Buchu is a blood cleanser and a specific remedy for UTI.

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12y ago

Take her to the vet immediately so that they can formerly diagnose her and offer treatment. You may well be given steroids to put in with her food to help control the infection, but these will be prescribed by your veterinarian. With infections, do not waste time getting her to a vet as they will get worse if untreated.

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13y ago

A dog may get UTI by eating foods or drinking water that contain pseudomonas, Proteus mirabilis, coagulase positive straphylococcus, Escherichia coli, esterococcus, or klebsiella.

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smack it

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