You should be happy and comfortable and want to drive your car more often and that's when you know you have the right car.
I don't know if this is right, but you could probably get it from car care center. I din't know if this is right, but you could probably get your bumper fixed from a Car Care Center.
When a person ask you to get in their car or something then that is when you know right then and there that that person is not a good person.
heck if i know
i don,t know the answer--but I want to know the answer
No. I know this first hand. The first car I owned ran out of transmission fluid. The car stopped right where it was.
4 peps know where u goin if left or right
If the treads lack definition and/or if the car "pulls" to the left or right.
That is oil. VERY BAD!! You need to take your car to your garage right away. You should know this, I'm not even old enough to drive and I know this.
well,firstly,they must know whether or not you are a legally licensed driver before you drive their car, and if you don't return with the car, it sure would be easier to prosecute you if they know who you are,right?
under the car attached to the bottom of the car by the back i dont know if its left or right
The only that I know of is that you need an alignment.
When your sitting in the car facing forward your right and left arms are the same as the right and left side of the vehicle.