It is easy to tell. First, you barf like hell. Second, you fill your pants. Third, you die - or at least you wish you could.
Easy rules of thumb with chicken broth - - boil it -> eat it -> refrigerate or toss the left overs.
You can tell that a ham has gone bad by looking at it and smelling it. If it smells strange or looks like it has mold, it is bad.
If you eat it and then throw up. ;)
You can tell if broccoli has gone bad by checking for signs of discoloration, wilting, or a strong unpleasant smell.
You can tell if ginger has gone bad by checking for mold, a shriveled appearance, or a strong, unpleasant odor.
If its rotten
it is bad if it is bad. if not, it is most likely good.
The smell
Yes, garlic can expire. You can tell if garlic has gone bad by checking for signs of mold, discoloration, or a strong, unpleasant odor.
You can tell if tuna salad is bad by the way it smells, tastes, and looks. Tuna mixed with mayonnaise usually will not last for more than a couple of days.
Curdled milk looks lumpy and may have a sour smell. You can tell if milk has gone bad by checking for clumps, a sour taste, or a bad odor.
I didn't mean to create it actually. I peed on my oatmeal and chicken salad one drunken morning. My bad!
If u have diarrhea after eating it.