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Throughout the animal kingdom, animals that are poisonous benefit from advertizing this fact because they are then less likely to be hunted and eaten. Usually they have bright colors like red and black. This is their way of letting us know that they are dangerous. What do you think of when you see red? I see "STOP". How about when you see black? I see "DEATH" Even the animals such as a frog that is green and black. Green for me says "GO" but then it has black so I know that if i do go and touch it it may cause death. Animals help us understand that they are either poisonous or not.

It is hard to tell, the best thing is to be careful, ask an expert, or find a good reference book.

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15y ago

Most poisonous frogs are very brightly colored so usually the tropical frogs are poisonous but if it is in your backyard i highly doubt it is poisonous unless you live in the tropics. if it turns out to be poisonous just wash your hands like you would if you touched any kind of frog.

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tarantulas are not poisonous. their bites just sting for like 24 hours.

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Q: How do you tell if a caterpillar is poisonous or venomous?
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How do you tell if a caterpillar is poisonous?

Poisonous CaterpillarsWikiAnswers contributors share their caterpillar knowledge:Yes, there are lots. The ones with fur and of different colors are poisonous.The most poisonous are the saddleback caterpillar, the puss caterpillar, the Io moth caterpillar and the hag caterpillar; their spines are connected to poison glands on their body.A dingy yellow one isn't poisonous, but a bright yellow one can be, as can the green/red ones.Many are stinging and very troublesome if you come in contact with them. Most are very colorful, as to let you know to STAY AWAY! here is a great link from University of Kentucky which shows photos of some doozies!\

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