There is a thing called a cock ring that will work to keep him hard. You might also want to try giving him oral sex before he enters you. Each time he ejackulates with oral sex there is a good chance he will stay harder longer. There's also a thing called Chinese Brush, no man can loose an errection with that stuff. If there is a china town where you live go there they will have it, but be carefu not to apply too much as he won't be able to go soft for over 4 hours.
Good luck
You can keep your boyfriend on hard by doing oral sex on him or watching pornography. You can also use toys or dress up in order to make him hard.
If he is your boyfriend, no. He's already committed to you so why play games?
Well, it's kinda hard to "un-miss" your boyfriend. But if you don't wanna keep thinking about him, maybe involve yourself in other things with your friends to get him off your mind so much.
there IS such thing as a perfect match AND love IS hard work. If there's a lot of obstacles keep on coming towards you and your boyfriend. It means that its only testing you on how much your willing to risk to keep him and how long will your love for him will survive. You're in love with him, hold on to him. Don't lose him. It would be hard work, but in the end, its worth me ;)
Give him viagra. Talk with his doctor to see what is the problem. If he is stressed or not up to it, he will not be able to get it up and stay up
Your ex-boyfriend may miss you, but you have to keep moving. Keep in mind there is always a reason why they are an ex.
Some people may find it hard to get a boyfriend in high school, while others do not think it difficult.
This is terrible. If you keep secrets from your parents you will end up making bad life decisions like me. I currently live in Poland, am unemployed, and have 2 pet tigers. Do you know how hard it is to feed tigers without a steady source of income? pretty dang hard. Do you know what happens when tigers get hungry? they eat small children. Point is, if you keep your boyfriend a secret you will get eaten by a tiger.
No..but its hard to handle
Keep him at a distance
Some people cant keep a Boyfriend because they don't know how to. Somepeople are just supid. That's why most of the time they cant find a Boyfriend at all.
to keep them hard, you have to be freezing or cold. keep the air-conditioning on.