It depends on if the server you are playing on even has factions. If so, type
/f create (factionnamehere) to make one
or /f join (factionnamehere) to join
To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>
I assume you're talking about a faction invite. the command is /f join <faction>
Either ask a member or ask the Administrator of the server.
To invite someone to your faction in Minecraft, do /f invite <player name>. They then need to do /f join <faction name> to accept your invitation.
You may have been banned by a user or other users!
To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>
add them to your faction with /f join <faction name>
I assume you're talking about a faction invite. the command is /f join <faction>
Check with a server mod or server owner about the faction mod he/she uses
In factions, if someone sends you a /f invite, you will be able to do /f join <faction name>. If you try to join a faction without an invite it will not let you. When someone gives an invite it is sort of like 'opening the door' of the faction to you.
Either ask a member or ask the Administrator of the server.
To invite someone to your faction in Minecraft, do /f invite <player name>. They then need to do /f join <faction name> to accept your invitation.
You may have been banned by a user or other users!
You use /f leave [faction name]
If you mean "faction," it is a plugin called "Factions" simply do /f help to see all the commands.
If you are in a faction, and want to teleport to your faction home, just type /f home.
/f invite PLAYERNAME if you want anyone to join your faction /f open