when u greet somebody that you have not seen for many years;months;etc.., just be polite and say hello to them and start a conversation if you can. it is best if you greet them at a class or something like that. if they dont remember you, then just go on like you have never met them and most of the time they will remember you if you talk long enough. we hope this piece of advice helps you a lot. LOL
"It's Good/Great to see you!"... if it's the truth.
You avoid the awkwardness of asking the same rhetorical question everyone else asks. "It's so good to see you.."
Depending on your culture and background with this person, give them a hug too! Nothing can convey a feeling of kinship more than a sincere embrace. If you are not in good standing between each other, then merely state the obvious and acknowledge it has been a while. This is only if you must greet the person, or if you are hosting, a host should always greet each of their guests appropriately.
The way to greet a female friend in Italian is Ciao!("Hello!"), which also works for a male friend.
Umm obviusly ur a smarta$$ bcuz era body knos how to greet ur friend by saying wahts up sexi!?!?
You can say "Hello, long lost friend" to greet a friend you haven't seen in a while.
The way to greet a friend's father in Italian includes Buon giorno, Signore! Come sta Lei? ("Good day, Sir! How are you?" or È un piacere conoscerla, Signore! ("It's a pleasure to know you, Sir!").
Kritika pleash ur number i miss u i love u
you say hey whats up?
Informal greeting is how one might greet a friend or good acquaintance, such as "Hi!" or "Hello!" or "How's it going?"
You would greet him the same way you would greet any friend you meet. Priests are human beings, too, and appreciate a warm handshake or even a Christian hug along with a friendly greeting. Be genuine and don't put on a false show.
The present tense of "greet" is "greet." For example, "I greet my friends warmly every morning."
he wants you
Wave, hug, smile, shake hands, nod, kiss, high five.