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In ruby, sapphire and emerald there is a mirage island but to get there follow these steps: 1. Trade with many friends to get lots of ID NUMBERS, 2. With the Pokemon that have those different ID's you need to go to lilycove city and into the dept store inside there are two ladies talk to the one near the computer now she will ask you to draw a lottery ticket, HOLD ON SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE SAYING YES, 3. After saving say yes and if you don't win first place reset your game and then have more friends trade with you to get more ID NUMBERS until you get the exact ID NUMBER that the lottery ticket had. 4 Keep saving and resetting until you win first prize which could be a masterball then fly to paciflog town if you can't fly go there the manual way then go inside some of the houses until you find an old man looking to the right talk to him and he will say "I can see mirage island today." Then with a Pokemon that knows surf, surf east until you reach the island. One more thing you can go here more than once. Also the island is infested with wynaut in the grass plus there are leichi berries there as well, the berries if held as an item will up your Pokemon's attack when in danger. Your welcome!:)

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Q: How do you go to the mirage island?
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How do you find mirage island in ruby?

go to a house in pacidolog where two men talk about mirage island the second guy randomly tells you if the mirage island appeared or not (if he says theres no mirage island you should wait until the next day) if he says that theres mirage island surf east (dont go to the fast currents take the other side) then in mirage island you well find wynauts n the grass and a really rare berry which you can receive only in mirage island

How you can find Mirage island?

what you need to do is go to pacifidlog island and talk to the old man who is wearing brown clothes and go talk to him and he will say i cant cant see mirage island today.*Note: go talk to him everyday and change pokemon when you talk to him so he will say i can see mirage island today.

What Pokemon do you need to go to mirage island in Pokemon ruby?

you'll need a Pokemon that knows surf and a Pokemon that is mirage island sensitive but you don't know which Pokemon are, it is random. you can find out by going to the man in pacifidlog who is searching for mirage island. if he can see it, you have a Pokemon that is mirage island sensitive

Is there a secret way to get to Mirage Island?

get a wynaut level 5 then trade it for level 5 pichu then go to pacifidlog town then to to the man and he said <ohh i can see mirage island today...go to the skypilar and you see MIRAGE...

Which version of Pokemon has the ID number you need to get to Mirage Island?

You need a full inventory of Pokemon to get to Mirage island. You Pokemon give a random number and if it matches with the old man who watches the island, then you can go to Mirage island. Mirage island will only be available for that day.

How have go mirage island in ruby?

Mirage island is extremely hard to get to. Each day, Mirage island gets assigned a random number. To get there, one of your party pokemons must have the same number as mirage island, making the chances very small. However, you can get there, and if you're as lucky to get there, you can catch a bunch of Wynauts there

Do you go to the old man in Pacifilog with a Wynaut to go to Mirage Island?

Not nesseseraly. Every day your game generates a random code for the island which matches one of your pokemons codes. You cannot see your pokemons code. To get to mirage island you need to have the Pokemon with the same code in your party. This changes everyday so you can only spend one day at mirage island. You will not be able to go to mirage island without the Pokemon with the same code in your party.

Do you go to the old man in pacifilog with wynaut to go to mirage island?

no... u need a different code of pokemons each day so sometimes u cann only get to mirage island.

What does mirage island do?

mirage island is on rout 130 you need to talk to the old man and if he says he sees mirage island go west of the city and when you get there, there should be a egg it's a jirachi egg (i have not tested it out but that is what alot of people are saying :) good luck

How do you get mirage tower to appear?

wait for the old guy in the house in southeast Pacifidlog Town to say OMG i see Mirage Island Then you use SURF and go east from Pacifidlog till you reach Mirage Island