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You can get it with 2000 ac or you can buy it for 50000 gold but it requires troll rank 10.

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Q: How do you get troll spellsmith aqw?
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What is the enhancement of troll spellsmith in aqw?

wizard is the best for spellsmith but for helm use luck because you can crit alot with it.

The best attacking class in aqw?

Vindicator of they Dragonlord Ninja Chrono(corruptor)(mancer) (Beta) Berserker Necromancer Troll Spellsmith Horc Evader

Which is the best class in aqw?

The best class in aqw or ( Adventure Quest Worlds ) would be Troll Spellsmith becuase it has the highest damage ratio out of other classes and has a move set that increases crit,and mana also it slowly heals yourself. Heres the rankings of the top 5 aqw classes: 1. Troll SpellSmith ( good in a huge fight like pvp ) 2.Vindecator of they or / Undead Slayer 3. Necro 4.Cardclasher ( good on 1 on 1 ) 5. Shaman/Evolved Shaman. Lepracuan class could be 6th all though its now a rare. :)

What classes in AQW can heal?

necromancer, vindicator of they, healer, acolyte (member), bard(member), evolved shaman, pyromancer, deathknight (member), blood ancient (member), troll spellsmith, undeadslayer (member). Thats all I can find, might be more.

What class in aqw can kill troll spellsmith?

You have several options as a non-member to take out spellsmith, the ideal ones being Shaman and Necromancer You can use the heal, summon minion and command undead combo to do 1000+ crit damage and get a quick win. Or with Shaman, you can use the Elemental embrace and dry lightning to do easy 2000+ damage. So, you can use necro for survival wins, or gamble for a hard hit with Shaman. But if you're going member, no going wrong with CardClasher!

How do you get class troll in the fastest way on AQW?

if your member do swag tokens at /join collection

What are the top 10 classes on AQWorlds?

The best classes are: 1.timekiller 2.paladin highlord 3.dragonlord 4.chronocoruptor 5.vindicator of they 6cardclasher 7.troll spellsmith 8.pyromancer 9.necromancer 10.deathknight

How do you get troll spellsmith fast in AQW?

So why do you want Troll Spellsmith class so badly? Troll Spellsmith class is one of the most Over-powered classes in AQWorlds. TS class can both PVP/ Battlebrawl and farming faster. Skills - Energy Arc allows you hit multiple targets in a room and slow enemy down. It deals same amount of damage for each. - Frostflame deals moderate damage and slow enemy down. - Focus Energy turns your HP in to MP (like Necromancer class) - Weakness Sigil allows you to heal yourself and make your other hits stronger and more chance of Crits. Stack up to 5x To rank up Rep points for Troll, first you go to complete the Bloodtusk Ravine story. Before you do that I recommend you to do it on Troll side not Horc.... Also if you are not one of those players who are gifted to farm faster, while beginning the Troll sided story. You should equip Double Rep Points, so you can double your Rep points and it will be easier for you. After you finished Bloodtusk Ravine story and defeated the chaos lord, you can finally farm. You should be about rank 4-6 [without Double Rep point Boost] To farm in troll /join Bloodtusk and walk up the stairs on the troll side [left] Click the troll name Bachius and Accept all 3 quest of his [Please do not accept any other quest, it will be complex for you] This is a little cheat, not hack. First you keep the Quest box. DO NOT delete it. Click Inventory and click any items and press delete. Do Not click Yes or No. Now keep it like that and walk into the Horc side and stop out the entrance of Horc camp. Now go right [There should be other players there, if not that's okay.] Not press No delete item and Do Not click X for the Quest Box leave it and do not exit the place. Start Farming. You should be do 10k-13k rep points in an hour (23k-25k with Rep Point Boost/ hour)

What is the best boss killer class in adventure quest worlds?

if you are a non member in aqw- necromancer and cardclasher are the best, but cardclasher can only be bought for 20-25 dollars in heromart. but necromancer requires only creature shard and the necromicon as well as rank 10 doomwood reputation. if you are a member in aqw- if you fight against undead monsters then its undead slayer(just the best of all for undead) otherwise for other all monsters many classes are available which can be used by both members and non members such as evolved shaman,evolved leprechaun(rare),troll-spellsmith and horc- evader and elemental dracomancer but requires reputation. classes such as evolved shaman,evolved leprechaun,troll spellsmith and horc evader and elemental dracomancer are good non member classes but with 50/50% survivalibility when soloing since some of them dont have healing skills evolved shaman and troll spellsmith can heal a bit.but necromancer and cardclasher can heal alot with damage reduction needed for soloing. another good 1 vs 1 pvp and soloing and overpowered class is the vindicator of they, probably like an all-rounder because it has a stun,healing,strong dot and a very powerful 1 hit attack which can hit about 4k with the right enchantments.but it will be going rare on aqw 4 th birthday on october 2012, if you are non member it takes 90 days to get the class if you are a member then it takes only 45 days. members can even choose the blood ancient which is an good soloing vampire class that requires 25 ancient vitae which is obtained from the quests given in safiria castle or the new deathknight class for rank 10 doomwood reputation or if you are a member and bought the 12k AC package in aqw, then you can obtain the mindbreaker class, another good soloing class from the book of lore. best of luck choosing what class you want i just said all the soloing classes and not the classes obtained by purchasing in hero mart except cardclasher.

What is a fraction story?

TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL who knows what this stuff is :D

Can anybody give me a list of the non member classes that you don't have to spend ac's on in aqw?

There are three types. Rare, which is only obtainable during a special event in the game, the ones that are still obtainable and those that you have to go through a special offer to obtain. Rare : Alpha Pirate, Barber, Beta Berserker and Leprechaun. Obtainable : Warrior, Mage, Healer, Rogue, Dragonslayer, Enforcer, Shaman, Evolved Shaman, Horc Evader, Troll Spellsmith, Necromancer, Ninja, No Class, Pirate, Ranger and Rustbucket. Special Offer: Defender, Dragonlord, Guardian and Starlord.

Who lives under bridge that the Three Billy Goats have to cross?

A troll.The troll