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take a boat from stormwind

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Q: How do you get to northrend?
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Who is King Terenas in World of Warcraft?

He used to be the king of Lorderadon, before the kingdom fell to the scourge. Also, he is the father of Prince Arthas (aka Lich King), who killed him when he returned from his quest to Northrend.

Do you need an expansion packs for World of Warcraft?

While you CAN play World of Warcraft with out either of the current expansion packs, you will not have access to levels 61-80, wont be able to use the professions past a certain point, and will not be able to visit Outlands or Northrend. It would be better to just go a head and purchase the expansions now so you have access to all WoW has to offer.

World of Warcraft What level do you have to be to get a mount and how do you get one?

You can learn to ride mounts at level 20. To learn the training required, go to your race's home city (ie Stormwind for humans, Sen'Jin Village for Trolls) and talk to the riding trainer. It will cost you about 1 gold. To buy the mount, talk to the mount vendor that should be right next to the trainer, they are cheap. You can learn higher levels as you level. Level 40 for Epic Riding, 60 for Flying, and 70 for Epic Flight. At level 77 you can learn Cold Weather Flying, allowing you to ride flying mounts in Northrend. In the coming expansion, Cataclysm, you will be allowed to fly in the old world.

What animal forms can a druid take in World of Warcraft?

Note: The act of all shape-shifting frees the druid of polymorph effects and movement imparing effects (Entangling Roots, Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Concussive Shot). Note: Nature's Grasp can be used in Bear form, Dire Bear form, Cat form, and Moonkin Form. Travel and Aquatic form cannot use any spells, and Tree of Life restricts most spells. Both Flight forms can not go into any combat (well fighting at least, running away XD)All ShapeshiftsBear Form at level 10 - this form can tank or off tank the way a Warrior does. Increase in Armor designed to make leather emulate Mail armor. Bonus: Immune to polymorph, 180% armor contribution, 25% stamina boost, attacks slowed and attack power increased. Gains Rage.Travel Form at level 16 - which looks like a cheetah, Druids receive a 40% run speed increase in this form. May only be used outdoors. Bonus: Immune to polymorph, 40% boost speed with the ability to use only melee attacks.Aquatic Form is also learned at level 16 - which increases swim speed by 50% and allows underwater breathing. Has the appearance of a sea lion or seal. May only be used while swimming. Bonus: Immune to polymorph, 50% speed boost in water with the ability to use melee attacks.Cat Form at level 20- Can do Melee DPS and has a stealth mode similar to Rogue class. The Night Elf version has the appearance of a lynx, and the Tauren version has the appearance of a lion. Bonus: Immune to polymorph, 0,15,30% speed increase with ability to use cat form attacks and melee. Gains stealth. Attack power increased by agility. Gains the ability to stack combo points. Gains Energy.Dire Bear Form at level 40- which is just an improved bear form from the one learned atlevel 10. Bonus: Armor contribution greatly increased, attack boost increased. Not sure about stamina. Also immune to polymorph effects. Gains Rage.Moonkin Form can be received when the druid puts 31 points into the Balance Talent Tree. This is a spellcasting form that gives nearby party members an additional 5% critical chance to spells cast. While in Moonkin form, a Druid is restricted to only casting Balance spells with the exception of Remove Curse and Abolish poison. Bonus: Aura that gives 5% critical chance with spells to anyone within 30 yards. Armor contribution 380%. Moonkin is meant for magic, and can use normal melee as well. Immune to polymorph.Tree of Life Formis received when the druid uses 41 points into the Restoration Talent Tree. This form transforms the Druid into a Tree of Life. Healing to party and raid members within 45 yards of the druid receives a bonus of 6%, and only Swiftmend, Innervate, Nature's Swiftness, Rebirth, Revive, Abolish Poison, Remove Curse and healing spells can be cast. The mana cost of these spells is reduced by 20% (with or without being transformed). Bonus: Immune to polymorph. Gains an aura that increases how much healing is done to party and raid members by 6% within 45 yards. 20% mana reduction to any spell usable in this form, as well as these spells with 20% mana reduction outside this form. Only damage attacks the tree of life can use is melee attacks.Flight Form is learned at level 60 - This form transforms the Druid into a flight form increasing movement speed by 150% (equal to regular flying mounts). The regular riding enhancements do not affect speed, but the Charm of Swift Flight (obtained part way through the swift flight chain) previously did, although it is now essentially useless. Cannot be used in combat. Can only be used in Outland or Northrend (with Cold Weather Flying at level 77). Gives the appearance of a Storm crow.Swift Flight Form is learned at level 70 - increases movement speed by 280% (equal to epic flying mounts). Riding enhancements do not affect speed, but during the quest line, a Charm of Swift Flight is acquired, which was equivalent to a Riding Crop, but is now essentially useless. Cannot be used in combat. Can only be used in Outland or Northrend (with Cold Weather Flying at level 77). Obtained through a quest chain at level 70, or trainable at level 71. Requires a riding skill of 300.

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What is Northrend in World of Warcraft?

Northrend is a zone that you can get to at level 68 from Stormwind harbour or Menthill harbour on alliance

Where is Howling Fjord in World of Warcraft?

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No only wrath to go to northrend but burning crusade to go to outlands among other restricitions

What is the capital city of northrend?

There is no "capital city" in northrend. There is however Dalaran, which is the major city for the continent. It consists of vendors, dailies, trainers, auction house, bank access, and seperate horde and alliance areas.

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Try the starting areas of Northrend. Vengeance Landing or Warsong Hold for Horde, and whatever the starting Alliance Cities in Northrend are. If you can't find them there, then you should be able to find one in the neutral city of Dalaran. It has everything.

Does being in outland crappy now that you got northrend in wow?

Outland is great! It is a place to level for 58-68. At 68, I would suggest going to Northrend (if you can) and at least doing the initial armor quests and the armor is better than what you would get doing 68-70 in Outlands. After that, you can either go back to Outlands, or stay in Northrend. On a PVP server it may be better if you play on peak times to go back to Outlands as those zones are fairly empty and no large risk of getting ganked. In Northrend there are many daily quests that take 80's to the starting zones, so it is a little more dangerous.

Where do you get level 80 gear in World of Warcraft?

Gear for level 80s is dropped from Northrend heroic dungeons.

Can horde get rep with alliance vanguard?

Nope. Where Alliance toons get rep with the Alliance Vanguard, Horde get rep with the Horde Expedition in Northrend.

Can people that have the first expansion of sentence go to Northerend?

Nope, the only way to get to northrend is to get the Wrath of Lich King Expansion pack.

Are there any new places to level for level 70s in cataclysm?

Not really you just have to stick to Northrend until level 78-80.

What is Naxxramas in World of Warcraft?

Naxxramas (Naxx) is the introductory raid floating above Dragonblight in Northrend. It is in the style of a floating Scourge necropolis. Naxx was moved to Northrend by Arthas from its former home in the Eastern Plagulands and was originally a 40 man raid, but is now a 10/25 man raid. It also has a ton of bosses to grab loot from.

Will flying in azeroth cost anything?

From what has been said on most of the forums that deal with the coming expansion, once you hit 60 and purchase the regular flying mount training, you will be able to fly in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Note, this does NOT affect Northrend Flight...meaning you will still need to purchase the Cold Weather Flying to fly in Northrend.