The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
In Pokekon Sapphire, you get the 5th badge after defeating your opponent in a Gym Battle at Petalburgh.
go to your mom after getting your 5th badge this works for both sapphire and ruby but am not sure about emerald !!!!!!!!!
After you get the 4th badge go to petalburg city and enter the gym go through it then fight Norman for your 5th badge.
the third badge in sapphire is at mauville city(north of slateport city)
in lavarage town
It is the balance badge where you fight Norman(your father) in Petalburg City .
you can get the fith badge by going to petalburg the poke gym there.
In Pokekon Sapphire, you get the 5th badge after defeating your opponent in a Gym Battle at Petalburgh.
go to your mom after getting your 5th badge this works for both sapphire and ruby but am not sure about emerald !!!!!!!!!
After you get the 4th badge go to petalburg city and enter the gym go through it then fight Norman for your 5th badge.
After you get the 4th badge go to petalburg city and enter the gym go through it then fight Norman for your 5th badge.
the third badge in sapphire is at mauville city(north of slateport city)
After you get the 4th badge go to petalburg city and enter the gym go through it then fight Norman for your 5th badge.
Go to lavaridge town for your next badge.
Petalburg City.
You have to beat flannery
You get the third badge in sapphire when you get to Mauville. You have to battle Gym Leader Wattson in the Mauville City Gym.