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As far as I know you have to evolve it from Ponyta (Lv. 40)

catch ponyta north from the town with the place where they look after your Pokemon for you

transfer it from a GBA game (Like Saphire or Fire Red ect.) or trade.

You can catch one when you go to mt. silver from the indigo plateau

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Q: How do you get rapidash on Pokemon pearl?
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What is Pokemon number 78 on Pokemon Pearl?

goldeen (or rapidash on the national dex)

In pearl what moves does rapidash learn?

In Pokemon Pearl version, Rapidash is capable of learning various different moves. For example, it can learn the move fire blast.

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The reason your rapidash is gray is because the one you own is shiny or also known as a different color...

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When does ponyta evolve into rapidash in Pokemon pearl?

I'm pretty sure around level 40.

A good team for Pokemon pearl no legends?

i would say Garchomp, Empoleon, Wevile, Rapidash, Ryperior and Honchkrow you could switch empoleon for gyarados and Rapidash for infernape if you want

What are the Pokemon of your rival in Pokemon league pearl?

If you started with Chimchar, he'll have: Empoleon, Snorlax, Heracross, Staraptor, Roserade, and Rapidash. If you started with Turtwig, he'll have: Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Rapidash, Roserade, Heracross, and Snorlax. If you started with Piplup, he'll have: Torterra, Rapidash, Floatzel, Staraptor, Heracross, and Snorlax.

What leve l does ponyta evolve in Pokemon pearl?

In every Pokémon game, Ponyta evolves into a Rapidash at level 40.

How long does it take for a male rapidash and a female heatron to get a Pokemon egg at the day care in Pokemon pearl?

it wont they either need to be the same Pokemon diff gender or onhas to be a ditto

Is this a good pokemon pearl team?

Torterra, Gastrodon (any type), lucario, bronzong, rapidash, and Staraptor. have this team and you will become unbeatable (my team).

How do you evolve ponyta into rapidash in Pokemon?

Ponyta evolves into Rapidash at level 40.

How many fire Pokemon are in Pokemon Pearl?

All in all, there are 5 fire types. Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Ponyta and Rapidash. Only two different basic fire types, which isn't a lot to choose from. But if you didn't choose Chimchar as you starter, nothings better than a Rapidash.