you cannot mod fallout 3 on xbox 360
Absolutely not. The xbox uses a proprietary operating system that is incompatible with mods made for PC.
i think on xbox live you can get these thing called garden of eden pack or something it mods stuff but i don't know if you can only get it on PC
No fallout 3 is not for DS, it is for xbox 360 and PS3
Unfortunately no. The PC version is the only one that can be "modded," though you can Hex Edit the Xbox 360 version.
Sadly, since there is no File Sharing system in place for the Fallout 3 game, you cannot download them on the XBox 360. But if you have Xplorer and Xasta, then you can download XBox 360 oriented (Meant for the XBox 360 and not pc) and port them into a saved game file.
You cant .
Fallout 3 PlatformsFallout 3 is available for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
You cannot legally mod an Xbox Or Playstation copy of Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 can be played on the PlayStation 3, the XBox 360, and the PC.
Modding is illegal.
fallout new Vegas will be on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360