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you need to unlock the high rank Giadrome quest and then kill it its pretty rare so...

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Q: How do you get giadrome skull in monster hunter?
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How do you get giadrome head plus on monster hunter freedom 2?

try hunting the giadrome it gives a bigger chance to get it than killing it.

How can you get giadrome claw on monster hunter freedom 2?

Easy, just defeat the Giadrome and carve off it.If you do'nt get one when you carve off it you will probaly get it in the reward

How do you get Giadrome Claw plus or Blangonga Fang plus on monster hunter freedom unite?

"plus" materials comes from stronger versions of the same monster. you'll get Giadrome Claw+ can be found from Giadrome high rank. (i mean your mission should come from the "middle lady" when you take it inside the gathering hall.) break the fang of a high rank Blangonga with fire attribute weapons to get some.

Where can you find a giaprey hide plus on monster hunter freedom unite?

From any high ranking Giaprey Hr4+ they dont have to be the main monster sometimes if you hunt down the Giadrome you get one in the rewards screen. Happy hunting!

How do you get to second quest in monster hunter?

just restarted my file last night, you have to do the two slaying quests and the gather three popo tongues quest before the slay a giadrome quest will pop up. Beat it and two star missions will be available

What main website is monster hunter on?

monster hunter wiki

What is the latest monster hunter game?

that would be Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP and Monster Hunter Tri on Wii.

How can you make the monster die quick in monster hunter freedom unite?

Hit then roll, with a longsword not greatsword and if you have a decent cat... I've got one which is hacked named Fay can kill anything in about 2 hits XD Depicting on the monster, the best way to beat a monster get a weapon that has its weakest attribute if fighting a giadrome using a fire elemnt weapon will easily beat it. Also it depends on which weapon you like i find the bow to be one of the ultimate weapons.

How do you get giadromes skul in MHFU?

you have to fight a real high rank one to get it me and a friend tried a high rank one and we attacked it in the head alot and we both got giadrome skull

How does one become a monster hunter?

No one in the world can sensibly be a monster hunter as monsters aren't real. However, there is a video game called 'Monster Hunter' and it is popular and one can become a monster hunter through there.

Is any going to answer monster hunter questions?

I will answer any monster hunter questions you have :)

What are all the monsters in monster hunter tri?

You can get that and more on the monster hunter wiki