Oh honey, back in my day, you had to actually buy the DVD to get those bonus features. But now, you can usually find those codes either on the packaging or by doing a quick online search. Just make sure you're not getting scammed by some shady website, okay? Stay savvy, darling.
To unlock bonus features on a DVD, you typically need to enter a specific code using your DVD player's remote control. These codes are usually provided in the DVD packaging or in the DVD menu itself. Navigate to the bonus features section on the DVD menu, select the option to enter a code, and input the provided code to unlock the bonus content. If you are unable to locate the code, you may need to contact the DVD manufacturer for assistance.
Oh, dude, it's like you're stuck in the Stone Age with those DVDs. You usually find those codes on the little paper slip inside the DVD case, but who even uses DVDs anymore? Just Google it like a normal person or ask your grandma if she remembers where she put the code for that bonus feature on "Gone with the Wind."
Easter Eggs
when u get the season on DVD it should be in the bonus features
it has better grahics it bonus features and lots of people have DVD players
Glad you love CARS 2. On cars 2 DVD the special features that were present are a special features section containing a bonus feature, a short film, and the making of the movie.
Oh, what a happy little question! You know, there isn't a universal code for unlocking bonus scenes on DVDs, but each DVD may have its own unique way of accessing those special features. I encourage you to explore the DVD menu or check the packaging for any hints on how to uncover those hidden gems. Just remember, there are no mistakes in art, only happy accidents!
Try looking at the end or beginning of the DVD's. Sometimes they put them on as bonus features.
The double disk of the twilight DVD is the actual movie plus bonus features. If you love Twilight, I would highly recommend it!
The complete series will be release on DVD September 7, 2010 in stores. A lot of bonus features on this one!
The Columbo DVD set does not have any special features or bonus material. It does, however, have the ability to be played anytime you desire instead of waiting for showings on the TV.
Try the codes 0000, 1234 and 4567. If those don't work, google the model of the DVD player.