It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
No, you can only get all starters without trading in Pokemon yellow, but Leaf Green is a newer version of Pokemon green, so it's impossible.
That's impossible.
i have no idea. But i feel ur pain!!!!!!!
By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.
It is impossible without trading from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, or without the use of a glitch or cheating device.
No, you can only get all starters without trading in Pokemon yellow, but Leaf Green is a newer version of Pokemon green, so it's impossible.
That's impossible.
You cant.
It won't evolve without trading
i have no idea. But i feel ur pain!!!!!!!
you cant
You cant find him without trading with cable link.
Not possible unless you use a cheating device.
By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.
you have to have master ball codes OR a code to throw at other ppls Pokemon
The only 2 ways to get johto starters is to see all Pokemon in emerald, and beat mt.battle in Pokemon XD and then send them to ur gameboy adv.