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Derek Jeter Autograph

Get to the ballpark early an stand by the player entrance. Some ball players as Derek Jeter do stop and sign. Before the game make your way to the field. During batting practice many ballplayers will sign along the line. Both ways, you will have plenty of competition. Be sure to come prepared with a pen, and an item to be signed. You could buy one on eBay as well.

Some ballplayers will respond to autograph requests through the Mail. Send a self addressed envelope along with a photo or index card to be signed, and you might get lucky. send it to the Yankees team address

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15y ago
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17y ago

Go to Patriots training camp, see him at an outside sporting event, see him on the street, write a compelling letter lol

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17y ago if you visit this site it will tell you how to go about getting his autograph and people that have done it successfully

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13y ago

If you go to a football game you have to read the news papper and it sometimes will say where to go to get atographes

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13y ago

you go to a pats game and u run across the field looking for tom brady

dont forget to bring a pen, paper, and a clipboard

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