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Q: How do you get Togepi in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you get Togepi in emerald?

You can only get Togepi in Pokemon Emerald by trading from another game. Togepi is a baby egg Pokemon that prior to Gen 4 was normal type Pokemon.

Pokemon Emerald how to catch Togepi?

To catch a Togepi in Pokemon Emerald, you have to talk to the man in the Pokemon center in Lilycove. After this wait 24 hours and talk to your mom and she'll give you one.

Can you get these Pokemon in emerald smoochum Togepi Charmander arbok golduck?

yes but togepi and arbok hatch from eggs.

When does a Togepi evolve in Pokemon leafgrean?

It doesn't, sorry. You have to trade it from Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Ruby, or Pokemon Sapphire. Togepi evolves via happiness and happiness didn't exist in LeafGreen.

Where do you find Togepi's egg in emerald?

The egg in Emerald is a Wynaut. To get a togepi egg, you need to trade either a Togepi or Togetic over from another game (usually Fire Red or Leaf Green) then breed the pokemon with ditto (unless the togepi/togetic is the rare female, in which case any male pokemon from the fairy egg group will work).

Can you get Togepi in Pokemon emerald?

Togepi in EmeraldNo, you need to trade it from Leaf Green Or fire red. you could use a GBA action replay or gameshark.

What is the use of the questionnaire in the Pokemon marts in Pokemon emerald?

You Get A Togepi Egg Or Something Else If You TAlk About The Nintendo WiFi and chatting with people.

Is there a way to get Togepi in emerald?


How can you get Togepi in Pokemon Yellow version?

You can't get Togepi in Pokemon Yellow. Togepi does not exist in that Pokemon generation. (:

How do you get a togepi in Pokemon Platinum?

how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum

How do you get Togetic in Pokemon Emerald?

Unfortunately, you can't get Togetic in Pokemon Emerald. The only way to have it, is to trade it from FireRed and LeafGreen. But, you can't find Togetic in LeafGreen or FireRed, either. You need to evolve it from Togepi. Hope I helped :)

Is togepi legendary?

Togepi is not a legendary Pokemon.