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After Zeus has stolen all the sacred items ask him again and he will help.

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Q: How do you get Hercules to leave his omby spot?
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On mythology island how do you convince Hercules to leave?

To convince Hercules to leave on Mythology Island, you need to have the golden apple from Hades's tree. Offer it to Hercules as a gift and he will leave in search of more apples like it.

How do you make Hercules to move from his spot?

Eventually, if he does not move, you go to Athena for help.

How long do you leave a spot treatment on?

It depends on what type of spot treatment it is and what it is for.

How do you make hercules leave the restraunt Mythology Island?

you can go to this website that has the answers

How do you get Hercules to move from his spot on poptropica?

You go to the place you saw Athena first. She will come out and Zeus will appear and take the 5 magic objects for himself. Then you go to Hercules and tell him of Zeus's plan, and he will help you.

Who told Hercules to leave Thebes and go to the south of Greece and serve the king of myceane?


Does a scab leave a spot?

No but if you pick it the scab will be a scar

Can you leave a blank spot on a birth certificate?

Yes you can leave the spot blank for instance a father. I am a teacher and have many children in my class who have no father listed on their birth certificate.

How long did it take Sebastiano Ricci to make Hercules Killing the Centaur Nessus?

He did not leave that kind of info.

How do you get Hercules to leave the restaurant in mythology island on

After u find the items, go ask him. He will help u.

What are the release dates for Leave It to Beaver - 1957 The Spot Removers 3-33?

Leave It to Beaver - 1957 The Spot Removers 3-33 was released on: USA: 14 May 1960

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