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Well, you must be suspicious or you would not be asking the question.

Clues to cheating concerning personal habits:

#1 clue is A Change in habits,

Doesn't come home at the times he used to,

Says he hanging out with friends or going places with friends more than he did before,

Say he has to work late more,

Finds a reason to get out with out you. more frequently,

Has cell phone conversations in the bathroom or at the back of the yard ect,

Seems jumpy when his cell rings and you can hear it,

Anyone else think of anything else? .

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Q: How do you find out if your live in boyfriend is cheating?
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by asking your best friend to spy on him

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not spending time with you and maybe not sleeping with you

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Find a new boyfriend. If he did it once and you forgive him. He'll do it again and expect the same.

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there probably cheating on you

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If you have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, then you are cheating on both of them.

What if your boyfriend treated you badly so you broke up with him but after you find out the reason was because he was cheating on you?

Then do nothing and be glad he is no longer your boyfriend.